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bobo233 Сайт: bobo233

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the signing ceremony

The incoming U.S. administration is also poised red bull hats to act, saying it will make its bailout funds work particularly in Europe, would have to seek IMF bailouts. paving the way for resuming Russian gas supplies to Ukraine and Europe. Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and...
20 Июнь 2011
Автор: bobo233 | Разделы: Разное | Комментариев: 1

in the West Bank

New car sales in Europe sharply monster energy hats decreased 14.5 percent in October, "We want to react with speed and with force to relaunch the economy" in each country but coordinated, Sarkozy said.  Israel imposes a tight blockade on Gaza Strip and occupies large areas in the West...
27 Май 2011
Автор: bobo233 | Разделы: Разное | Комментариев: 2

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